Plugin Vote Manager

in section XAseco1

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1.0.0 released at 2016-07-20

This Plugin allows the Admin to limit the voting requests, so that the (new) Players can not start a rejected vote again and again. A restart vote for a Map did not restart as soon as the vote passed, the restart is delayed until the end of the Race. If a restart vote passed and a Player want to start a skip vote, then this is rejected.

Within the Widget everybody can easily see the state of the current vote. There is a line inside, which marks the ratio to reach for a successfully vote.

The clicks on pass or cancel at the AdminPanel are supported and start the related handling. The original CallVoteRatios and CallVoteTimeOut are restored at the event onShutdown.


  • The chat commands /admin [pass|cancel] are not supported, because these are not noticeable by Third-party Plugins
  • If you run this Plugin together with the ManiaLive (for e.g. Freezone), then the F5 and F6 keys are unavailable

Supported CallVotes

  • ChallengeRestart
  • NextChallenge

Supported Gamemodes

  • Rounds
  • TimeAttack
  • Team
  • Laps
  • Stunts
  • Cup


Last modified: Mon, 16 Jan 2023 21:59:21 +0100
This is a private enthusiast Website. Maniaplanet, Trackmania, Shootmania, Nadeo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment.
XAseco is maintained by Frans P. de Vries.
MPAseco is maintained by Kremsy, ManiacTwister & TheM

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Maybe you have already noticed, that i have changed the order in the Navigation. Since now XAseco2 is in front of all others content.

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