Plugin Nickname Sync

in section XAseco1

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1.2.1 released at 2012-10-21

Everybody knows it, that the Nicknames from local Records and global Records are no longer equal after a while. This happens if a Player changes his/her Nickname and plays on other Servers...

This Plugin synchronize the Nicknames from global Records with your local Database. So the Nicknames in your Widgets will be equal.

Supported global databases:

  • Dedimania
  • Gerymania


Last modified: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 19:46:03 +0100
This is a private enthusiast Website. Maniaplanet, Trackmania, Shootmania, Nadeo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment.
XAseco is maintained by Frans P. de Vries.
MPAseco is maintained by Kremsy, ManiacTwister & TheM

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Maybe you have already noticed, that i have changed the order in the Navigation. Since now XAseco2 is in front of all others content.

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